How All This Pain Got Started. (Part 2 of 2)

So where I pretty much left off was after the accident maybe a few months.  For the next few years (3-4)  I went through physical therapy, acupuncture, acupressure, massage therapy, visited chiropractors, psychologists, psychiatrist, Ear Nose and Throat Doctors, GP’s, Orthopedic Specialists,  more psychiatrist from here up to South Lake Tahoe and down to San…

No truer words have been spoken such as these,

There is always something to be

grateful for even when life is hard

and times are tough.

-Madisyn Taylor, Daily OM

Dr. Martin Luther King said,

If you can’t fly, then run.

if you can’t run, then walk.

If you can’t walk, then crawl.

but whatever you do, you have

to keep moving forward

– Dr. Martin Luther King