Did Mom Make the Kreis Christmas Dinner Party?

Did she?  Did Mom Make the Kreis Christmas Dinner Party?  That’s a story that needs to be told slowly instead of rushed into, so light the fire or turn on the Yule Log channel on TV like we did, sit back put your feet up and relax because here is how it went.  It was a warm December’s eve and everyone was stirring from cookies and candies, when six o’clock rang on the old Cook Coo clock everyone said, “Come on do you think we should start opening presents now, the salmon will be ready soon.”  Well I tried to make it festive.  Anyway, after this past weekends big family party and (other brother) Jimmy not able to make it, which is usually her ride over I was waiting all day for a call saying, “Richard I just can’t make it.”  I did receive a call around ten and to my surprise it was mom with a Christmas greeting and to say she would show.   As the night ran on and into six, everyone was there, except the mom (I was not going to say Grinch).  So the chatter began about starting on time, I disagreed and asked for for some time, just a few minutes is all that I need to try and call mom, then we’ll do as they please.  I called her quick only to hear her machine and left her a message saying Merry Christmas indeed.  But right as I was done there was such a knock and this little old lady look like she would drop.  For only forty five feet from car to front door caused her a wheezing which sounded like a snore.  She made it to two Christmas parties this year, with how she’s been doing it is quite a shock, but without mom her, Christmas would almost be a flop.

Marshall Kreis Christmas – Caitlynn & Grandma K. 122113

      She’s doing OK, even though that’s an act.  We are all hoping this new med with take hold and make her new year energizing and bold.  2014 will be everything she needs to help get her out of this funk that has a hold on her indeed.  With all our support and that of the shrink, she be back to the old mom in a matter of weeks.  And even if not, she is still my mom and I will be there for her no matter what path shes on.  So Merry Christmas to all and great New Year, spend it with family and lots of cheer.        – Happy Holidays.